Roy Gardiner

Pan Mass training


66 miles.

A couple of gentle weekend rides when weather permitted (which wasn't often, by my strict standards).


110 miles, year to date 176.

Less than many of my friends and acuaintances will do in a weekend. My excuse is that I'm attending a full-time course.


298 miles, year to date 474

Joined a gym local to the office at which I'm working (Makers Academy) and rode to work, 11 miles each way, whenever possible. It's four years since I've commuted from home to the City and it's amazing, heartening and sometimes frightening to see so many more cyclists on the road


653 miles, year to date 1127

Big jump in training due to my annual pilgrimage to Majorca (, where we had almost unprecedented good weather right until the last day, which we lost to rain. But it was great to get out with friends and do steady rides and continue with my steady buildup.


5th 38 miles @ 18.5mph first (what I would call, anyway) high speed group ride for at least a year. The Essex Counties Fair randonee, billed as 100k. They made the mistake of having one of the controls back at the event HQ after 38 miles, so the temptation to pack was too much. with the front group, though, so I was pretty pleased.
7th 52 miles @ 17.3mph group ride.
12th 25 miles gently.
14th 52 miles @ 17.4mph group ride.
18th 48 miles @ 17.3mph group ride.
19th 30 miles solo ride at casual pace.
21st 52 miles @ 17.9mph group of 3. Even did some turns on the front; not many, mind.
Then life and weather intervened and I missed too many days
29th, 31st May 40 miles on my own, easy pace as always when alone.


2nd, 5th 40 miles on my own.
8th 57 @ 17.4 club ride.
11th 52 @ 17.8 club ride.
13th 35 @ 15.68 casual pace
18th 10 in 27mins 17secs individual time trial, 21.99mph. Not my worst ever, but not far off. Can only improve!
20th 30 @ 15.8 casual
22nd 57 @ 17.1, quite pleased as only 3 riding
24th 45 @ 18.4
25th 60 @ 19. Even though I suffered all the way around, probably the best ride since before knee surgery, so over two and a half years. Now need to ramp it up as far as I can for the next three weeks.
26th Race.. hah! Lasted only 12.5 miles @ 22.5mph before being dropped.


2nd 51 @ 18.5
3rd 40 @ 18.3
8th 47 @ 19
9th 65 @ 15.6, a longer but much slower ride, nice and easy
10th 10. track session so guessed at the miles, riding on the Olympic Velodrome, wonderful.
15th 42 @ 18.8
20th 51 @ 16.9
23rd 59 @ 18.2
25th Another track session, fantastic.
27th 50 @ 18.5
28th First track taster session to count towards accreditation.
30th 50 @ 17.9


3rd. The PMC itself, 75 miles Average speed not an issue as the team I was with stopped at every water stop along the way and for a photo shoot, 5 stops in all.

But the Job Is Done!



[Roy Gardiner home page]

Last updated: 12 Sep 2014 10:07:12